Abuse of Power?

We are talking about the misuse of energy here, not political power or human rights. We are concerned with the waste of a finite resource. Of the pollution caused by fossil fuels to the atmosphere and the air we breathe. A lot of talk – and some action – is going on to get countries, cities and companies to clean up their energy act. Energy efficiency is usually identified as the easiest way to go. Stop the waste of energy. And save money on your power bills at the same time. So this week’s National Energy Efficiency Conference is drawing on some of the best brains and some of the best examples from business around the world. There are also a lot of good ideas and applications on clean energy and even cleaner transportation in this issue. And while Singapore suffers in silence with the massive energy use (waste?) associated with its Formula 1 night time races – look at all the lights and cars! – there’s  an announcement from the international motor sports body that a new electric vehicle race is scheduled for the future. A move in the right direction, which might make more of us think about the real energy cost and environmental impact of unsustainable car racing events against the economic benefits. – Ken Hickson

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