How to Get Money for Environmental Projects

How to Get Money for Environmental Projects

There is more than $5 billion in federal and state government grants and subsidies available over the next five years for environmental improvement programs in Australia, according to sustainability strategists Equilibrium OMG, who have produced the second edition of a comprehensive guide on the grants and general assistance available to business and how to access them.

4 October 2010



There is more than $5 billion in federal and state government grants and subsidies

available over the next five years for environmental improvement programs.

Sustainability strategists Equilibrium OMG have produced the second edition of a

comprehensive guide on the grants and general assistance available to business and how

to access them.

Since the first edition in 2009, there has been a noticeable reduction in state government

funding overall but a significant increase in federal funds for water, climate change and

environmental education.

Equilibrium OMG Managing Director Nicholas Harford said the Guide is intended to help

bring businesses and government together to maximise environmental improvement.

“Knowing what these grants are, who is eligible and how to apply for them often requires

considerable time and resources that many businesses simply do not have,” he said.

“The Guide makes it easy to search for what grants are available and check eligibility


The Good Guide to Government Grants 2010 Edition provides information on $5.1 billion of

grants and a range of general assistance in the one convenient reference source, giving

details about funding programs, amounts and eligibility and linking electronically to the

source website for further information.

“Government grants are there to help business update technology and systems to achieve

environmental improvement, which can also deliver improved productivity,” he said.

“Governments have also recognised the there is a skills and knowledge gap with

organisations and people and there is increased funding for education that changes

attitudes and behaviour for greater sustainable development.”

“In short, the Guide is designed to help business make the most of government funding

and become more sustainable.”

Further information

Nick Harford +61 3 9671 3666 / 0419 993 234 / /

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