What a waste!

To mark World Water Day (22 March), we profile a Dutchman who is winning awards for treating water in an energy efficient way, as well as an invention to clean up water for millions in developing countries.  It seems every day is World Waste Day as we learn that up to half the world’s food goes to waste. And waste of a nuclear kind is the biggest bugbear for this former “clean” energy. More on waste management, water saving and energy efficiency, including Singapore’s sustainable lighting festival which shows energy in a good light. Australia’s Bob Carr is showing a refreshing touch as the country’s foreign minister by talking straight on climate change. The same cannot be said about the US Republican presidential contenders. One American who has it all together for the planet is New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, winning his city a world prize. The Asian Development Bank has bad news on climate refugees – there’s many more to come. There’s some good news on the clean energy front – with a new wave energy device from Japan, solar powered skyscrapers and New Zealand’s largest farm in the wind. We learn that Carbon Systems has something Microsoft wants and there’s an Apple app for climate change. WWF has a different way of adding up Singapore’s per capita carbon emissions, but we’ll all be joining hands to participate in Earth Hour 8.30pm on Saturday 31 March. Where-ever you are, turn off the lights! – Ken Hickson

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