Turning over a Green Leaf?

Turning over a Green Leaf?

This really is a case of thinking global and acting local, and even a bit of the reverse, this week. Strong words at the World Green Building Congress in Singapore for global action, while recognition at home and abroad for the sustainability and affordability of earth building. The World Economic Forum takes an Asian approach for its meeting in China, while the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate meets in New York next week. The UK Environment Minister tells it the way it is on climate and big business leaders in Australia finally accept the need for a price on carbon. Greg Combet gets the top Climate Change job in Australia but wants to stay loyal to coal! Malcolm Turnbull supports his leader but stays true to his climate credentials. Even confirmation that women get the climate science better than men and Spain gets the wind up in China. Nay, there’s a new way to sleep green. “Perchance to dream”, as Shakespeare would say.- Ken Hickson

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