Ecolodges Indonesia welcomes the International Year of Biodiversity
Ecolodges Indonesia welcomes the International Year of Biodiversity
“We are all an integral part of nature and our fate is tightly linked with biodiversity, the huge variety of other animals and plants, the places they live and their surrounding environments” says Dr Alan Wilson, Chairman of Ecolodges Indonesia (ELI) as he echoed words from the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity initiative.
Article from Travel Mole (11 January, 2010):
Safeguarding irreplaceable natural wealth and reduce biodiversity loss through small-scale ecotourism.
Bali, Indonesia: ‘We are all an integral part of nature and our fate is tightly linked with biodiversity, the huge variety of other animals and plants, the places they live and their surrounding environments’ stated Dr Alan Wilson, Chairman of Ecolodges Indonesia (ELI) as he echoed words from the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity initiative being led by the United Nations Environment Program and the Commission for Biological Diversity.
Ecolodges Indonesia has a strong corporate social responsibility agenda to conserve endangered wildlife and contribute to local communities in Indonesia. The company currently operates four Ecolodges in Sumatra, Kaliamantan, Bali and Flores, with plans underway to open three more in environmentally sensitive regions of the country.
Dr Wilson said ‘There continues to be formidable challenges to protecting or rehabilitating the rich biodiversity of Indonesia. A key objective of Ecolodges Indonesia is the optimal use of environmental resources that constitute the key elements in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve biodiversity as well as the natural and cultural heritage.’
‘We continuously work towards viable, long-term economic operations which provide socioeconomic benefits of stable employment and income-earning opportunities to host communities, and contributing to poverty alleviation.’
The Ecolodges Indonesia has committed to support the Secretariat of the Convention for Biological Diversity’s primary objectives1 for the International Year of Biodiversity, namely:
(a) Enhance public awareness within Indonesia and in source markets on the importance of conserving biodiversity and on the underlying threats to biodiversity;
(b) Raise awareness of the accomplishments to save biodiversity that have already been realized by communities, governments and partners of Ecolodges Indonesia;
(c) Support the call on individuals, organizations and governments to take the immediate steps needed to halt the loss of biodiversity in Indonesia;
(d) Promote innovative solutions to reduce these threats through sustainable ecotourism operations;
(e) Engage in dialogue among stakeholders within Indonesia for the steps to be taken in the post-2010 period.
As part of its support for the International Year of Biodiversity, Ecolodges Indonesia has finalised a comprehensive new collaboration with the global not-for-profit sustainable development and responsible travel organisation, Sustainable Travel International, to draw upon, promote and apply respective products and services to enhance their brands, professional product delivery and business models to do good for local communities and biodiversity conservation (especially wildlife) in Indonesia. (
Furthermore, in support of the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity, ELI will:
(i) Promote and share resources such as:
• Sustaining life on Earth: How the Convention on Biological Diversity promotes nature and human well-being.
• The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: TEEB is an initiative to draw attention to the global economic benefits of biodiversity and the costs of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation.
• WAZA’s (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums) Educational Manual: A guide for zoo and aquarium educators, teachers and environmentalists. A resource about biodiversity in support of the International Year of Biodiversity, 2010 and beyond.
(ii) Incorporate the International Year of Biodiversity logo and message on letter head, reports and posters and follow the campaign’s Communication Guidelines
(iii) Create multi media links on the Ecolodges Indonesia website such as the YouTube Action Now for Life on Earth and Biodiversity and Climate Change
(iv) Send our success stories including pictures, artwork, videos and other creations to link to the ELI website and to share with the rest of the world via the UN Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity
As the International Year of Biodiversity is a unique opportunity to increase understanding of the vital role that biodiversity plays in sustaining life on Earth, Ecolodges Indonesia will encourage as many people as possible to participate using the guidelines available at.
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