Unsung Little People
They laugh at me, these fellows, just because I am small.
They laugh at me because I’m not a hundred feet tall.
I tell them there’s a lot to learn down here on the ground.
The world is big but little people turn it around…..
These words kept going through my head – sung by young Gavroche in the wonderful, moving musical “Les Miserables” – as I’ve been meeting a lot of people of late. Little people. People who matter. And big, important people. This came home to me when I attended the Carbon War Room’s “Creating Climate Wealth” two day event and when I was a participant at The Media Alliance’s CSR conference in Singapore. Lots of case studies, inspiring stories, achievements in climate change action and awareness, humanitarian work, people making a difference, doing good around the region and around the world. Much of it unsung and unheralded. We need to sit up and take notice of “little people” and “good works”. Pity the mainstream media doesn’t seem to notice or care. The two events I mentioned were practically ignored. I made sure two “caring” media – UbrainTV in the UK and ECO TV in Australia – got coverage from Singapore. Of course, we notice – and others do to – when “celebrities” like Sir Richard Branson throw their hats in the ring. It makes a difference. We report others who are more established – like Ralph Nader in the US and Ian Lowe in Australia. But we don’t ignore organisations which are doing good but get little attention. Remember: ‘the world is big but little people turn it around’. – Ken Hickson
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