Spotlight on energy

Spotlight on energy

This is all about energy. Where it comes from and what we do with it. It’s been patently obvious for many years that the world is on a land-slide to destruction if it carries on burning fossil fuels. But hasn’t it been difficult to get normally sane people to accept this? Finally, we sense that the global drive to switch to cleaner fuels is getting real traction. And doesn’t that make sense? We are seeing that solar and wind are now on a par – possibly even cheaper – than the cost of producing energy from coal or oil, particularly if you take into account the massive infrastructure costs of large scale power plants and the cost of extracting fossil fuels. Putting aside the environmental costs. And finally, we see the evidence, that putting a price on carbon works as more and more Governments – even in China – are adopting carbon emission schemes. We even contribute to a new book “Visions 2100” that looks back to the future. How much rosier that future will be if we get some real commitments in Paris to come clean on energy. – Ken Hickson

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