Thinking Green Sprouts

Thinking Green Sprouts

Are decisive elections and Governments a thing of the past? Now Australia is in limbo with a hung parliament, as Britain was a few months ago. But there’s some hope that with the influence of the energised Greens and some Independents, climate change action and a carbon price might well be on the cards. It’s what Grant King of Origin Energy would like to see, while Giles Parkinson and Ellen Sandell give their views on what’s possible. India is advancing with its climate action commitment and Asia gears up with a clean tech showcase. Small business gets a look in with UK climate policy and green jobs are on the way. Social enterprise shows how it’s done for renewable energy, while GE sets out the technology and investment for clean energy distribution. Some US states demonstrate that you can have cap & trade scheme even before the Feds decide to act, while the UN is facing up to improving the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). News of meetings and expos in Asia and Australia for Carbon Trading and Green Buildings, while Earthcheck and Travel Wild get together to showcase sustainable hotels and resorts. Even car service centres are cleaning up their act and the last word goes to greener funerals. To die for! – Ken Hickson

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